This e-magazine was commissioned and assembled by the national Recognition & Rewards Programme with the help of the local committees and produced by On the Spot.
Claartje Chajes, Thomas van Rest, Johan van de Worp
Final editing
Julia Gorodecky
Advisory team
Friedel Grant (Leiden University), Robbert Hoogstraat (NWO), Kim Huijpen (Recognition & Rewards programme team), Karin Nijhuis – Nijland (University of Twente), Anna Roodhof (PNN)
Robin Ouwerkerk
Design and development
Lisanne Gottenbos
Jeroen Geurts, Rianne Letschert
Assessing quality
Participants – Matilde Galli, Sarah de Rijcke, Rinske Vermeij
Moderator – Kim Huijpen
Coordination – Robbert Hoogstraat, Thomas van Rest
Technology/streaming – NWO
Personal perspectives
Miranda Lutz
Esther Ladiges
Renske Heemskerk
Odin Dekkers
Excelling as an educator
Brigit Span
Career paths: good practices
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam – Bianca Langhout
University of Twente – Tanya Boundarouk, Jeroen Jansen, Karin Nijhuis-Nijland
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – Jelske van der Burg, Aletta Kraneveld, Hanneke Slop
Wageningen University – Theo Jetten, Ingrid Spruit
UMC Utrecht – Rinze Benedictus
International developments
CLACSO-FOLEC – Laura Rovelli
CoARA – Erszébet Toth
NOR-CAM – Ragnar Lie
GRC – Claartje Chajes
Johan van de Worp (coordination)
Frequently asked question
Johan van de Worp
Interview about university rankings
Ludo Waltman
Johan van de Worp (author)
Good practices: team science
Maastricht University – Caroline Roulaux, Daphne Snackers, Ann Vanderhaeghe, Hilde Verbeek
Tilburg University – Stefan van der Meer
University of Groningen – Sandy Fidder, Dicky Tamminga
Duo interview about supervision
Britt van Belkom
Remco Havermans
Claartje Chajes (author)
Leadership: good practices
DIFFER – Marin van Breukelen
Radboudumc – Marien de Jonge
Radboud University – Claudia Lüttke
University of Twente – Leontien Kalverda
Claartje Chajes (author)
Culture change and language
Marieke Adriaanse
Camiel Beukeboom
Claartje Chajes (author)
Culture change and dialogue
Mascha Weijers
Open Science
Hans de Jonge
This is a publication of the national Recognition & Rewards Programme, co-funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands.
The Hague, November 2023
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